The national interdisciplinary network for quality assurance of MR images in radiotherapy (NIMBUS) aims to facilitate that the highest quality of MR images is used for oncological purposes within the radiotherapy centers in Denmark.

The national interdisciplinary NIMBUS project has already successfully mapped the geometric stability of radiotherapy MRI scanners in Denmark and one important finding so far was that no difference in geometrical accuracy was seen between 1.5T and 3T. The continuation, NIMBUS 2.0, will build upon this success and extend its focus to improve the quality of MR images used within each of the Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Groups (DMCGs). This we will ensure through a systematic comparison of each center’s set of MR sequences for a given diagnosis to identify the “best” performing sequences. This comparison will identify sub-par performing sequences eligible for update based on our findings. The above goal requires both cultivation of our scientific network and a lean infrastructure to exchange MR sequence settings. This will also be addressed in this work package.
The overall aim will be achieved by:
- supporting and strengthening the exchange of knowledge between the national RT centers.and international leading networks
- establishing a simple platform for exchanging image sequences
- centrally supporting the analysis of baseline QA parameters through dcmCollab
- improving clinical MR sequences nationally for all relevant diagnosis through a coordinated effort with the DMCG’s
WP leaders
Jesper Kallehauge (DCPT), Faisal Mahmood (OUH)
Henrik Dahl Nissen
Medicinsk fysiker, PhD
Sygehus Lillebælt, Vejle Sygehus -
Jens Edmund
Hospitalsfysiker, PhD
Herlev Hospital -
Faisal Mahmood
Professor, Research unit of Oncology
Odense University Hospital -
Jesper Kallehauge
Aarhus University Hospital -
Dennis Tideman Arp
Hospitalsfysiker, ph.d. studerende
Aalborg University Hospital