DCCC Radiotherapy invites you to the Annual Scientific Meeting at Park Hotel Middelfart on 22 October 2020. Read more here.

DCCC Radiotherapy has decided to reschedule the Annual meeting and change it to a one-day meeting on October 22nd at Hotel Park in Middelfart. The Annual meeting was originally planned to Nov 26-27, but these dates were conflicting with ESTRO2020 now organized Nov 28-Dec 1. We encourage everyone to participate in the ESTRO2020 conference and present the research from DCCC RT.

The DCCC Radiotherapy Annual meeting is a great opportunity to meet researchers, clinicians and students from all over the country, discuss projects and collaborations and get an impression of all the activities in the research center. A tentative meeting program is attached.

This year we will repeat the successful flash talk session, where presenters are selected based on submitted abstracts. We strongly encourage especially young scientists to submit abstracts for this session. If your abstract is not selected for a flash talk you will have the opportunity to present your research project in a poster session.

In addition, the meeting program includes two thematic sessions on ‘Patient involvement’ and ‘Data sharing, transparency and curation’as well as a panel discussion on equal access to novel treatments and protocols.

Please register for the meeting no later than September 16 using this link.

Submit abstracts for flash talks/posters using this link.

Deadline is September 1st.

The annual scientific meeting will be held at Park Hotel Middelfart

The meeting program can be found HERE