Who are we?
DCCC Radiotherapy is a Danish national research centre in radiotherapy. The centre is part of the Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center and is supported by the Danish Cancer Society.

DCCC Radiotherapy is a unique national platform for collaborative research in radiotherapy in Denmark, which will support the strong position of Danish research in radiotherapy also in the future. The research center is part of Danish Comprehensive Cancer Center (DCCC) and is supported by the Danish Cancer Society with funding for five-year term until end of 2022. All departments in Denmark treating patients with radiotherapy are involved in the center as well as the dosimetry lab at DTU Nutech and Danish Center for Particle Therapy. We are collaborating on many diverse projects in physics, biology, and treatment to improve the treatment of cancer and at the same time reduce the side effects. Radiotherapy is a gentle yet very effective treatment which is offered to approximately 50% of all patients diagnosed with cancer in Denmark - either with curative intent or as palliative care.
Professor Cai Grau, Aarhus University Hospital, is the director of the research center. Professor Stine Korreman is coordinator of the research projects in the national focus areas and national infrastructures whereas professor Jesper Grau Eriksen is coordinator of the clinical research projects. These three, as well as administrative coordinator Louise Vagner Laursen, are in charge of the daily leadership and administration of the center.
Apart from the daily leadership, the center has a steering committee with one representative from each of the participating institutions.
Research is divided into 29 different workgroups and each work group has a leadership of 1-6 persons.
In total, more than 150 active researchers and clinicians are involved in the research center. Please see the list of participants.